Dutch Elm Disease Ban Active

There is an Elm pruning ban period commencing from April 1st and ending on September 30th of the same year. Elm bark beetles (EBB), the vectors of DED, are active between these dates and can be attracted to the scent of fresh tree cuts, possibly infecting a healthy tree.


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Traffic Safety PSA

September 2 2022

The Town of Thorsby wishes everyone a very safe and enjoyable Labour Day weekend. As it is the last weekend before the fall school season, we want to remind you of road safety.

On the May Long Weekend, in 2022,

RCMP say they removed 165 impaired drivers from Alberta roads during a safety blitz many on outstanding warrants

Police say during the weekend patrols, 2,804 traffic safety tickets were written up, with 1,280 drivers found to be speeding, 74 driving distracted and 66 for operating a vehicle without proper seatbelts.

Officials say the aim of the campaign was to promote the message of safety to Albertans, something that many still need to learn.

"From May 16 to the 23 alone, there were five motor vehicle collisions resulting in the loss of six lives. Three of these collisions were confirmed to involve impairment," said Insp. Chris Romanchych, Alberta RCMP Traffic Services, in a release.

What does this mean for Thorsby? You are on those roads and there is nothing worth speeding over, weaving out of traffic over, or being impatient.  Leave early for your destination.  Don’t get in your vehicle stressed and upset. Settle your kids so they are ready for the trip.  Make sure fluffy and rover are in their kennels and not impeding your driving by being on your lap or have their heads out of the window.  Be respectful for those pulling trailers with horses or livestock. 

If you’re pulling your holiday trailer, hook it up safely and drive like you’re pulling another vehicle, not just a storage bin for your bed!

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