Dutch Elm Disease Ban Active

There is an Elm pruning ban period commencing from April 1st and ending on September 30th of the same year. Elm bark beetles (EBB), the vectors of DED, are active between these dates and can be attracted to the scent of fresh tree cuts, possibly infecting a healthy tree.

Public Works

Contact Public Works

If you have a Public Works related question/concern, please feel free to reach out:

Public Works Manager - Andrew Kearley / 780-405-2725 / akearley@thorsby.ca

Public Works Lead Hand - Chris Carleton / 587-986-4923 / ccarleton@thorsby.ca

If there is an after hours Public Works related emergency, please phone:

Public Works Emergency Number: 780-818-4876

If you are in an emergency situation that does not pertain to Public Works, please call 911.

RCMP Office: 5340-50th Street
Complaints/Emergencies Line: 780-789-3950