Dutch Elm Disease Ban Active

There is an Elm pruning ban period commencing from April 1st and ending on September 30th of the same year. Elm bark beetles (EBB), the vectors of DED, are active between these dates and can be attracted to the scent of fresh tree cuts, possibly infecting a healthy tree.

Business Licenses

Business Applications

All businesses working in Thorsby are required to hold a valid business license, regardless of where their head office may be located, this also includes all door to door businesses, trades and sub-trades and home based businesses and not just the business with a store front.

If you hire someone to do work in your home or business, ask them if they have a local Thorsby license (not a provincial license or license in the community that their office is situated). You can check our licensed businesses on our website through the Business Directory link.

Click here for our current Business License Application

If you'd like to register your business or renew remotely, please email info@thorsby.ca with your filled out application. Payment will be accepted by cheque or in person. Licenses will not be issued until payment has been received.

All businesses are required to renew their business license each year by the expiry date of December 31st or inform the Town that business is no longer being conducted. License holders will be subjected to a $500 fine as stated in Bylaw #2022-08 Schedule A if business is dealt within the Town without a license.